Who is eligible?
Qualified 501 (c) (3) organizations or government entities serving Carroll County, Grayson County, and the City of Galax that support, promote and/or further the Foundation’s mission.
How to apply?
The Grant Guidelines have very specific information concerning eligibility, how and when to apply, and information concerning eligible projects for funding.
When are grant applications due?
The Grant Deadline is July 1 of each year.
When are grants awarded?
Grants are awarded on October 1 of each year.
Is there assistance with grant writing?
Grant Writing Workshops may be conducted each year.
Watch the Events Page to find out when our next one is coming up or follow us on Facebook.
Additional assistance may be obtained by contacting the foundation at (276) 601-8011.
Login – Current Grantees: https://www.grantinterface.com/Home/Logon?urlkey=twin